Oct 25, 2008

An Ode to a Banyan tree

O Merciful ‘n’ kind banyan tree-
In thy shade thrive the Lord’s other beautiful beings
Thou welcomes the burning molten rays and,
Tranforms them into a mothers’ protective embrace!

Does it not ache thee, when thou arms are cut and bleeding?
When gratitude is forgotten, what difference does it make?
In our cunning and naivety, we often forget;
The more we cut, the more we burn and suffer.

This is my humble attempt at weaving a poem from 3 given words!! Please check out amazing write-ups at 3WW: Three Word Wednesday here.


Rajeswari said...

A touching piece..meaningful too.

Keep up the good work!.The two stanzas speaks alot about the 'hidden poetess' in you :)

vinny said...

Thanks so much, Scrawler
n another thank u for introducing me to this world of 3 word concept !!

Johnny said...

Your thoughts are endearing.
Your words are so provoking.
They make such a difference!
We crave & ache for more.
Hope you don’t make us suffer.

Keep writing....

vinny said...

Hey Johnny..thats cool..Why not give a shot at 3WW ?? its fun:)

Thanks so much for ur kind words..hope to start a whole new thinking shift in mankind!

Like the Wise One says 'Light one candle, rest all will light itself'

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

I'm glad you've decided to give 3WW a try. You've done yourself proud. I, too like what you've done with the words I picked this week. Hope to see you next week.

Anil Sawan said...

hey hey hey.. i am late here.. apologies.. curse my night shifts :-)

humble attempt? how modest :-)

this is beautiful! dust ur skills and bring them to light, u got the whole world reading!!

Anil Sawan said...

Check my new post. U got something there.

Anonymous said...

beautiful poem...
u remind me of people who rot in crowded old age home....

vinny said...

thomg, Thank you so much for ur kind words..hope the other senior writers in ur team like it too:)

i, most definitely, plan to come back next week unless i am dead by then !

Thanks once again for this novel concept n keep it going!

vinny said...

Sawan, Thanks a million, buddy:)
U r the most kindest, encouraging-est buddy in the whole world :)

Thanks for the amazing award too...check my blog now- all bright n sparkling with ur award.. hhehehhee

vinny said...

Thank You Anonymous :)

Preeti said...

love this:) will frequent your page. leave a comment in my page if you can be blog rolled :) cheers :)

Anil Sawan said...

vins, my page boasts of my first award :-) thnx for my first appraisal :-) its beautiful!

vinny said...

@preeti: thank u so much! u r welcome here n u better blog roll me :)

@Sawan, U deserve it..Go on..get more n more n more...u sacrificed a hard earned night's sleep!
ur blog looks cool with ur first award n all...sahi lag raha hain:)

Fr. Jerry Kurian said...

The banyan tree is indeed one tree that negates the harmful effects of the ultra violet rays of the sun. And yet we cut it!

I like the way you have brought out the similarity of the banyan tree with a mother. A mother also cares for us, nourishes us and safeguards us and yet!!!

I believe that every post should have a message or a piece of information and you have managed to have both.

The dichotomy of life remains. Why do we fail to take care of those who care for us. Does breaking free mean cutting off all ties and memories?

Fr. Jerry Kurian said...

Happy Diwali.

vinny said...

Thanks Fr...
so happy with ur feedback !!
Often, i wonder what 'breaking free' means ? r v bonded in anyway that the necessity to break free arises or is it an irresponsible, careless desire ??
btw, the coconut tree n banyan tree r my favorite trees :) hehhehehheee

n Fr, here's wishing you a wonderful Diwali n a cool year ahead !

Fr. Jerry Kurian said...

It depends from person to person. There are those who are bonded from birth and those who think they are bonded. Both would like to break free. The thing is that for the first person it is easier said than done, whereas for the second person it is only a matter of choice.

vinny said...

Fr, the wise ones say 'all bonds r illusional' so i wonder whats right n what's not?

vinny said...

Rajesh Saar, thank u, thank u saar!

ur kind, encouraging words r much needed now ;)

i hope to exceed ur expectations n mine too:)

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